Web Engineering SS22 - TU Wien

Team and Overview

Jürgen Cito
University Assistant
Michael Schröder
Nathanael Nussbaumer (Head TA), Stefan Grüll, Andrea Ortner, Tin Pecirep, Katharina Scheucher
Course email
Tuesday, 16:15-18:00, GM1 Audi. Max. and online (Link on TUWEL)
Course catalog
Official course listing in TISS


Important! Please register on TISS until Wednesday, 02.03.2021 23:55 (strict deadline!) to be able to participate in this course.

All students registered in TISS until the deadline will have access to the course.
To officially register, you have to complete Assignment 0 (A0), which will be available on TUWEL.
You will be able to deregister until 08.03.2021 23:55, which is also the deadline for A0. As soon as you submit A0, you will receive a certificate (Zeugnis).


Formally, participation in this course is regulated by STEOP rules. Please understand that we cannot make any exceptions.

We expect that you have working knowledge with at least one imperative programming language (e.g., Java, Python), as taught in an introductory programming course.
We also require basic knowledge of version control systems, particularly how to use git.


The following timetable lists all important dates for the course (lectures, tests, deadlines, tutor office hours) together with accompanying material (required reading, slides as PDFs, link to lecture videos).

Required reading should be done in preperation before the lecture!
Reading material is not always strictly "reading", but can also involve interactive online exercises.
Note that: The contents of the listed required readings will be part of the tests.

If a deadline is listed on a certain date, assume it due at 23:55 that day unless specified otherwise.

Date Content Required Reading
01.03. Kick-Off, Lecture 1 (L1) HTTP
Lecture Video - HTTP
Read An overview of HTTP
02.03. TISS Registration Deadline
03.03. (12:00) Release Assignment 0 (A0)
L2: Browser: HTML/Accessibility
Lecture Video - Browsers, HTML, Accessibility
  1. Intro
  2. Browsers Overview
  3. Browser Internals
  4. Semantic HTML Overview
  5. HTML Structure
  6. Block vs Inline
  7. Links and Anchors
  8. HTML Forms
  9. Forms and HTTP
  10. Accessibility
  11. Web Accessibility Guidelines
  12. Text Browser as Accessibility Proxy
  13. Web Accessibility Principles
  14. Accessibility Examples
L3: CSS Basics
Lecture Video - CSS Basics
  1. Semantic HTML and Stylesheets
  2. CSS Integration
  3. Syntax and Selectors
  4. Standard Properties
  5. Sizes and Proportions
  6. Box Model
  7. Positioning
L4: CSS Responsive Design, Live Examples
Lecture Video - Responsive Design
  1. Layout Approaches
  2. Media Queries
  3. Fluid Layouts
  4. Scaling Images and Fonts
  5. CSS Layout Modes
  6. Flexbox Layout
  7. Grid Layout
  8. Fractional Units
  9. Live Example Grid
  10. Flexbox vs Grid
08.03. A0 Deadline
10.03. (12:00) Release Assignment 1 (A1)
15.03 Live Lecture: HTML/CSS
  • Watch Lectures 2, 3, and 4 (HTML, CSS Basics, Responsive Design) and post your questions on the TUWEL lecture forum
22.03 Tutor Office Hours 16:15-18:00 (online)
29.03. A1 Deadline
31.03. (12:00) Release Assignment 2 (A2)
L5: JavaScript and DOM
Lecture Video - JavaScript Core Language
  1. Overview & HTML Integration
  2. Operators
  3. Arrays
  4. Objects
  5. Strings
  6. Control Structures
  7. Developer Console
  8. Functions
  9. Higher-Order Functions
  10. Functions as Objects
  11. Variable Declaration and Scoping
  12. Modules
Lecture Video - DOM, Events
  1. Browser Object Model (BOM)
  2. Timing in the Browser
  3. Storing Data
  4. Document Object Model (DOM)
  5. DOM Upates and Accessibility
  6. Event-Driven and Asynchronous Programming
  7. DOM Events
  8. Asynchronous Requests
  9. Promises
  10. Programmable Event Listeners
  • Practice JavaScript ("Basics" until Callbacks) on LearnJS
L6: JavaScript Live Coding (Recipe Search), GitHub Repository
Live Coding Video
05.04 Live Lecture: JavaScript Watch Lectures 5 and 6 (JavaScript, DOM, Events, Asynchronous Progamming) and post your questions on the TUWEL lecture forum
11.03 - 23.04 Easter Holidays (no lectures and tutor hours)
26.04 Test 1 (Content: L1-L5 Lectures and Reading). Test will be conducted on TUWEL
27.04 Wednesday, Tutor Office Hours 16:15-18:00 (online)
03.05. A2 Deadline
05.05. (12:00) Release Assignment 3 (A3)
L7: Web Servers
Lecture Video
L8: Backend Abstractions
Lecture Video
10.05 Live Lecture: Web Backends Watch Lectures 7 and 8 (Web servers, backend abstractions) and post your questions on the TUWEL lecture forum
17.05 Tuesday, Tutor Office Hours 16:15-18:00 (online)
24.05. A3 Deadline
26.05. (12:00) Release Assignment 4 (A4)
L9: Frontend Abstractions
Lecture Video
Live Coding Video
31.05 Live Lecture: Web Frontends Watch Lecture 9 (Frontend abstractions and Vue.js) and post your questions on the TUWEL lecture forum
08.06 Wednesday, Tutor Office Hours 16:15-18:00 (online)
14.06. A4 Deadline
14.06 Guest Lecture: TBD
21.06. Test 2 (Content: L6 to the last lecture L9 - Lectures and Reading). Test will be conducted on TUWEL

Additional reading and exercises

For those who want to read and practice on their own, we collected a list of additional (optional) resources (interactive tutorials, reading):

Lecture Mode

The lecture will follow a flipped classroom model:
  • In particular, we provide required reading material prior to class.
  • Students should then watch already recorded lectures by the professor.
  • In live lectures, we then demonstrate the material live on the command line, browser, or IDE.
This is especially amenable for this course because of the interactive nature of the underlying technologies.


In addition to the lecture, you will build a web application (frontend and backend) in individual assignments (A1 to A4):
  • Assignment 0 (A0) - HTTP (1 point): You have to send a series of HTTP requests to one of our servers.
  • Assignment 1 (A1) - HTML/CSS (14 points): You are given the design guide for the online shop "Artmart" and are tasked with producing a static frontend in HTML5 and CSS3 that is responsive and accessible.
  • Assignment 2 (A2) - JavaScript (25 points): You introduce interactivity to the existing static frontend with JavaScript by dynamically retrieving picture data from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API and allowing users to configure picture frames on the fly by adapting the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Assignment 3 (A3) - Node.js (15 points): You build part of the backend for Artmart as a web service in Node.js in JavaScript.
  • Assignment 4 (A4) - Vue.js (15 points): You introduce frontend abstractions for Artmart in Vue.js


Your grade will be a combination of the theoretical part (tests) and practical part (assignments). Material for the theoretical tests will be the contents of the lecture slides and required reading indicated in timetable/lectures.

Theoretical part

Practical part

Grading Scale

The points of the theoretical and practical part sum to exactly 100 points. The points map to grades as follows:

Academic Honesty

We expect all students to work on their own (both for the practical assignments and the tests). Any kind of plagiarism will result in expulsion of the course with a grade N5 (Nicht Genügend).